Choose the best SSD Cloud hosting service in South East Europe

mCloud services and VPS server offer advanced solutions to professional hosting

Cloud hosting

Better than shared web hosting! Your site on a private VPS Cloud SSD server, with guaranteed resources and control panel quick start adjusted. Finally, all without limiting the number of sites, databases, e-mail accounts, and other culprits for technical issues, at the price of shared hosting.

Cloud servers

Fast SSD virtual servers with Windows/Linux OS or Cloud Ready: Docker, LAMPLEMPWordPressWordPress multisite, NextCloud, ISPManageraaPanel, Webmin, Virtualmin, ISPconfig, CWP. Guaranteed resources that you can modify at any time as needed.

Cloud Data Centre

Virtual data centre – an ideal solution for demanding business users or big site owners. Lease resources and design VM on it on your own, distributing as you wish CPU, RAM, HDD, backups, network interfaces, and IP addresses.
FIND OUT MOREBUY NOW from 117,36 €/M


Registration and renewal of national and international domains, with over 100 attractive extensions (.rs, .com, .net, .org, .info, .expert, .me, .solutions, .photography, .company, .trade, .guru, .cool, and many others) with instant activation and full DNS control.
Izražavamo profesionalni respekt i veliko zadovoljstvo saradnjom sa mCloud servisom. Saradnju smo započeli po preporuci jer smo ranije stalno menjali provajdere nezadovoljni njihovim uslugama. Visoko cenimo profesionalni tim mClouda koji u trenutku najtežih situacija reaguje brzo, energično i pruža nam izuzetnu sigurnost i momentalnu pomoć. Eventualni problem rešavaju odmah, bez odlaganja, bez lutanja, nezavisno od doba dana, što nama kao turističkoj agenciji znači jer prati dinamiku poslovanja. Očigledno je da poslove vodi vrhunski uigran tim, utemeljen na velikom znanju i elanu. Posebno zapažanje je da su korak ispred ostalih u edukaciji kadrova iz oblasti IT tehnologije.
Svetlana MilenkovićadministratorOlympic Travel

mCloud characteristics

  • Automatic activation of service within a few minutes, at any time
  • Online payment or postal money order/preliminary estimate
  • Fast SSD storage comes with all our servers
  • One-click configuration and resources change: CPU, RAM, Disk, Backup, DNS, safety rules …
  • Selection of the Windows or Linux OS and desired distributions
  • Pre-installed applications: WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, cPanel, Magento…

Check out price of a desired configuration of Cloud server via intuitive panel

Four reasons to choose mCloud

Servers in South East Europe

Our equipment is in three data centres in Belgrade, all interlinked via fibre optic channels and meeting high Tier 3 requirements having capacities of 21Gbps with connection to a domestic point Internet networks exchange traffic SOX.
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Knowledge and experience

We pay special attention in the selection of staff, because we believe that only with the best candidates can we maintain the high level of services provided. That’s why members of the mCloud team are recognised and known IT professionals with more than 10 years of experience in various technologies.
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The highest quality equipment

Updated and reliable cloud hosting platform is based on Cisco network equipment, Fujitsu and HP servers, as well as NetApp storage solutions. All systems and solutions are designed and implemented so there is no “single point of failure”.
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The best support

Local technical support, always ready to intervene and communicate with clients, is being widely commended daily. Our support engineers monitor the whole system constantly and average time of reaction to any disruption is less than five minutes.
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