SSL certificates

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lockSSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a safety protocol of communications on the internet that works on the client-server model. The Client is the party who initiates secure communications, while the server responds to the client’s request. The purpose is to enable encrypted communication directly between users and the verified location, which makes the transfer of sensitive information safe, without interception, interference or falsification. The most common example of using the SSL protocol is https which is a secure version of HTTP (secure http) and is used to establish a secure connection to a web server, usually for electronic payments. In this case, the web browser represents the SSL client, a web server, or a website that is accessible, the SSL server.

Our offer includes the most popular SSL certificates such as Thawte, Trustwave, VeriSign (Symantec) and GeoTrust. They include several types of certificates that are essentially different as follows:

  • Instant certificates protecting one domain or subdomain which is not at the risk of phishing or fraud, and does not require special testing and can be issued the same day (eg. Thawte SSL123).koji štite jedan domen ili poddomen koji nije rizičan za phishing ili prevaru te ne zahtevaju posebne provere i može biti izdat istog dana (npr. Thawte SSL123).
  • Full organization validation certificates that are mostly used to protect communication between two servers. In the process of issuance, the organisation is being checked (with a click on the certificate a visitor sees the name of your organisation and it shows to him that you have verified the identity of the site) and it is issued in 2-3 working days.
  • EV certificates (Extended Validation) that include more rigorous checking of the company prior to issuing the certificate (domain ownership confirmed, organisation validated, plus additional verifications performed using validation criteria established by CA / Browser Forum), which gives more confidence  to the end user (known as Green Address Bar), and the process of issuance may take more than 10 days.
  • Wildcard – protection of more subdomains within one top-level domain (for example, but it does not refer to a domain itself) allowing significant economies if a company needs to have several SSL certificates for subdomains. This certificate mostly does not require special checking and the issuance takes 2-4 working days.

While ordering you can enter CSR (certificate request sent by applicator to a certificate body for the purpose of getting digital identification certificate). CSR contains information that will be included in your certificate (and visible to end-users). For example:

  • The name of the organisation
  • The name of the domain
  • Central office
  • Country

When obtaining SSL certificates the  approver email cannot be any e-mail address, but only one of the following: admin, administrator, postmaster, hostmaster, webmaster,  which must be defined within the domain for which the SSL certificate is being bought.

If you need additional information, assistance with generating CSR, or some special SSL certificate which is not included in our offer, please contact us for an appointment.

Check out the prices of SSL certificates and select the appropriate one at the best price.